According to the latest data from Essential Science Indicators (ESI) of the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI), Xin Zhang, a graduate student from our school, supervised by Jiliang Mo, professor at the Institute of Tribology, published a paper titled "Robust micro-nanoscale flowerlike Zno/epoxy resin superdrophobic coating with rapid healing ability" in the Chemical Engineering Journal in April, 2017 with an impact factor of 6.216 and this paper was listed as Highly Cited Paper in ESI.
ESI is a basic analytical evaluation tool for measuring the performance of scientific research and tracking the development trend of science. It is an important indicator used to evaluate the academic level and influence of academic institutions and scholars in the world. It focuses on the academic influence from the perspective of literature citation. ESI uses Highly Cited Papers and Hot Papers as the main indicators to measure high quality papers in various disciplines. In addition, it refers to papers published in the past 10 years whose citations ranks among the top 1% in the corresponding subject field and