In order to comprehensively implement such national newest specializations as ISO, crane design specialization(GB/T2008), the railway press wrote to SWJTU in 2010, hoping to revise and republish (published by railway press in 1998) in response to demands of a wide array of readers. This suggestion was actively welcomed and supported. Organized by the Mechanical Engineering Department and former mechanical engineering institute(now the department of mechanics), presided by Professor Wang Jinnuo the national prominently-contributory specialist, a large team of combined ages was formed which invited experts from domestic schools and research institutes including Dalian University of Technology, Tongji University, Taiyuan University of Science and Technology, Wuhan University of Technology, Beijing lifting transportation machinery design and research institute and Beijing construction machinery standardization institute and crane research and manufacturing enterprises including Dalian heavy industry company, Xuzhou construction machinery group limited company, Zoomlion limited company, DEMAG(germany)crane(Shanghai) limited company and Shanghai port group limited company. More than eighty professors and scientific practitioners in total embarked on the editing work of the crane design handbook.
The editorial committee of the crane design handbook was formed of experts from 66 domestic schools and enterprises. Professor Zhang Wengui the vice president of SWJTU, Professor Zhou Zhongrong the assistant of president, the chief of the Mechanical Engineering Department and a Changjiang Scholar assumed the honorary director of the editorial committee, and Wang Jinnuo assumed the director of the committee.
The crane design handbook was edited by professor Zhang Zhiwen, professor Wang Jinnuo, Professor Cheng Wenming, professor Wang Shaohua and off-campus senior engineer professor Zou Sheng and Liu Quan. The editing work of this handbook experienced processes such as making editing plans, forming a committee and discussing the preliminary copy. After the completion of the first draft of the whole handbook, under the opinions and suggestions throughout the field and to ensure a high quality of publishing, two more proofreads were done. The handbook was finally and officially published in August 2013 after three years’ hardship.
The whole book has over 3.1 million words, two volumes with professor Zhang Zhiwen assuming the number 1 chief editor of the first volume, professor Wang Jinnuo the number 1 chief editor of the second and professor Cheng Wenming and Wang Shaohua being the third and sixth chief editor of the first and second volume respectively. The first volume includes basic theories and methods of crane design calculation, design calculation of crane metal structure, crane structure and design calculation of specialized components. The second volume includes crane electrical devices, crane hydraulic transmission, general and specialized crane design and appendix.
The successful compiling and publication of the crane design handbook was another salient contribution made by the field of crane mechanics of our university, which received accolades from peers and named a new milestone of the history of crane technique and technology development by insiders.
We hope the crane design handbook can be an ideal reference book for practitioners who take jobs of crane and engineering mechanical teaching, researching and producing and be a strong helper to boom crane industry and realize the China Dream.