From July 2nd to July 10th, 2022, three summer international courses offered by the School of Mechanical Engineering were successfully held through online learning. They are "Life-cycle Design and Development of Mechanical Products", "Lecture on Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering I--Railway Operation and Maintenance Technology", "Lessons on Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering II-Discussion on Complex System Problems". The lectures were invited by Prof. Shengfeng Qin from Northumbria University, UK, Prof. Ouyang Huajiang from University of Liverpool, UK, Prof. Enrico Meli from the University of Florence, Italy, Prof. Zhang Xingxing from the University of Dalarna, Sweden, and Meng Chao from the University of Southern Mississippi, USA. Assistant Professor, Hongtao Zhu Senior Lecturer at the University of Wollongong in Australia, Assistant Professor Han Jun at Heriot-Watt University in Singapore. These seven experts introduced cutting-edge knowledge related to mechanical engineering to students from their own research directions.
This course is conducted online on the Tencent conference platform. A total of 747 undergraduates and graduate students signed up for the course, making it the college with the largest number of applicants. The average number of online students for each course is about 200. According to the course summary of the vast majority of students, it can be seen that they understand the cutting-edge directions and possible challenges related to mechanical engineering; most of the students listen to the English course for the first time, which is also a new and wonderful experience. It also made students realize the importance of learning English well, and also realized that emerging science and technology played an important role in mechanical engineering, which provided great inspiration for future study and scientific research.